Keep your business safe with Walsh Service Solutions

Safety First… Safety Last… Safety Always! Safety is the first measure of success for every one of our projects. Safety is critical no matter what the project or where it is located. That is why we take an innovative and comprehensive approach to safety by combining traditional safety processes and practices with personal engagement and demonstrated care for each employee to continuously improve and achieve safety excellence. Our goal is to complete the job with ZERO injuries, property or equipment damage, or any adverse environmental impacts. Walsh is committed to ensuring everyone completes every shift safely and can return home to their families.

Safety Principles

All injuries, incidents, and occupational illnesses can be prevented.

Walsh is committed to protecting the health and safety of our employees, our subcontractors, our clients, and the public. Our goal is zero injuries, incidents, and occupational illnesses. Striving for anything less is simply unacceptable. In every instance, protecting the health and safety of everyone requires strict adherence to company policies and procedures.

All operating exposures can be controlled.

Walsh believes that all operating exposures and uncontrolled releases that may result in injury, illness or environmental damage can be prevented. Through the rigorous application of process safety requirements, we strive to eliminate hazards and minimize risks by implementing effective safeguards. When it is not possible or practical to completely eliminate hazards, we implement engineering controls such as fail-safe control systems, warning and detection devices, and automatic safety devices to reduce the risk. Administrative controls and/or personal protective equipment serve as the last line of defense against the hazards we face.

Leaders are accountable for safety performance.

People leaders are accountable for safe operations and the safety and health of the workers under their care. This includes accountability for establishing and maintaining a safe work environment. It includes establishing, regularly reviewing, and updating policies and procedures using disciplined change management, providing the proper equipment, completing appropriate training, correcting deficiencies promptly, and ensuring approved procedures are followed.

Everyone is responsible for safety.

People are the most important element of our health and safety program. Walsh expects employees and subcontractors to take personal accountability for their safety, that of their co-workers, and the general public. Further, workers have not only a right but a duty to stop and/or refuse work they feel is unsafe. Our success depends on all levels and all members of the organization being committed and accountable for consistently adhering to our company policies and procedures as well as all applicable regulations, codes, and standards. Working safely is a condition of employment.

Continuous Assessment and Improvement.

Walsh is committed to continuously improving our safety performance through field and operational assessments, and diligent application of quality and safety assurance practices and processes. Further, we employ disciplined root cause analysis and thoughtful exploration of human factors during incident investigations to identify and learn from weaknesses in our safety systems. In the rare case of an incident, we promptly address deficiencies revealed through these activities and communicate what we learn across the organization to strengthen our systems and make Walsh and our clients even safer.

Safety Accreditation

Walsh is a certified contractor through ISNetworld, allowing clients to select WSS based on safety, insurance, quality, and regulatory information.

ISNetworld (400-359360)

Lifesaving Rules

The Lifesaving Rules apply to everyone at Walsh and compliance is mandatory. Employees or subcontractors who choose not to follow the Lifesaving Rules are choosing not to work with Walsh. The intent and purpose of our Lifesaving Rules is to focus our attention on effectively managing the high-risk, high-consequence hazards we face in our work and to deliver on our commitment that every member of our team goes home safe and sound.

Life Saving Rule #1


Hazard Management

I will complete a hazard assessment prior to starting work and reassess if conditions change and new hazards are introduced.

Life Saving Rule #2


Driving Safety

I will only operate a motor vehicle or mobile equipment when free from the adverse effects of alcohol or any substance that causes impairment.

Life Saving Rule #3


Confined Space Entry

I will confirm the atmosphere has been tested, is monitored and a plan is in place prior to entering a confined space.

Life Saving Rule #4


Ground Disturbance

I will verify the location of buried utilities through surface locating and positive identification prior to conducting a mechanical excavation.

Life Saving Rule #5


Isolation of Energized Systems

I will verify isolation and zero energy before work begins on energized or pressurized systems (Lockout/Tag-Out).

Life Saving Rule #6


Reporting of Safety Related Incidents

I will immediately report significant safety-related incidents.

Life Saving Rule #7


Bypassing Safety Controls

I will obtain authorization before overriding or disabling safety-critical equipment or controls.

This is who we are safe for…